The Language first we began to speak is certainly our mother tongue. When a child began to speak? It is between 2 to 3 years of age, as we know from our own childhood experience. For speaking a language do we have to know the alphabet, the letters, or grammar? No, not at all.

                                                                  Look, how can we speak our mother tongue? We acquire the power of speaking from real-life situations. We see we hear, we understand and we imitate. It is a natural process, that we may not get when we begin to try speaking a new or foreign language.

                                                                                           That is the main reason why we cannot speak a foreign language with ease and fluency. Here we discuss mainly English. Those who started and completed their schooling in English Medium are moderately fortunate in comparison with those who completed the same in their vernacular. 

                       A  student whose mother tongue/medium of instruction is not English begins his study of English at the fifth standard. He continues his study of English up to any one of the following stages-high school, higher secondary, or degree. Some of them study English as the main subject at their graduate and post-graduate levels. For fear of the length of this article, I avoid details of specialization!. The point I want to highlight here is that long long years of study of English may not make him speak fluently.

                                                                                How can we overcome this problem? Ability to speak a  language can be attained mainly through real-life situations. It is a rare possibility for foreigners like us who aspire to speak English fluently. Then what can we do? We have to create real-life situations.

                                                        Those who never jump into the water cannot learn how to swim. The abundance of vocabulary and profound knowledge of grammar does not make us fluent speakers. It doesn't mean that those things have no help in speaking English. 

                                      Speaking of one's mother tongue is a spontaneous process. We don't have to think of words, grammar, or arrangement of words in a sentence. Here comes the villain. We can think before we ink something. But we get little time before we speak.

                                      The arrangement of words in a sentence having the same idea may be different in different languages. First of all, we have to find and understand those differences. 

                                        A simultaneous translation process is being happened while we speak a foreign language. The ideas are formed mainly in our mother tongue. We translate the ideas into English or any other foreign language. If we can increase the speed of this natural process we can acquire more fluency. At a particular point in time, the process became hundred percent simultaneous, and we acquire ultimate fluency in that language. We can speak that language as we can in our mother tongue.

                                             What are the hindrances that we face while speaking English? The first one is related to vocabulary. Using the right word in the right place is the most important thing. How can we increase our vocabulary? Don't use a dictionary to increase your vocabulary. The uses of dictionaries are different.

                                The following are some tips to increase your vocabulary and ability to speak, naturally and without much effort.

(i)Watch  English movies, movies in the mother tongue, movies in unknown languages. (all with  English Subtitles)

(ii)Watch English advertisements.

(iii)Watch English TV programs completed in a short span of time. ( Short films, Web series, Comedy Programmes, Documentaries, etc)

(iv)Watch Cartoon Network Channel (English).

(v)Read a newspaper daily in English Language and your mother tongue having similar content. (Don't use a dictionary for the meaning of new and unfamiliar words. That will happen naturally.)

(vi)Read illustrated comic books in English.

(vi)Read aloud drama and screenplay books.

(vii) Read and study grammar using this blog and revise the lessons frequently. (There may be editings or adding to the contents of this post and all other posts. So read the posts frequently )

(viiI)Write a diary every day with similar incidents in both languages. (English and Mother Tongue)

(IX)Write imaginary conversations or rewrite actual conversations from actual life(in English)

(X)Make a group of English Speaking aspirant group and chat with them in English(Direct/Online)

(Xi)Never miss a chance to speak English in real-life situations. 

                                                                                              I think, by the above means you can speak English fluently and correctly.

                             WISH YOU ALL THE VERY BEST.

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