We have already read about speaking - English language. For a student,     writing    English is equally important. The points we discuss here may have some repetition of the points that we have already discussed in SPEAKING ENGLISH LANGUAGE.

                                                                                         For writing good English we must have a good vocabulary. How can we increase our vocabulary? The first and foremost way is reading. Reading a  standard English newspaper daily will do good for all. If you are a student in a particular subject, read books and articles which are written on that subject, in English and any language you are familiar with and mastered with including that in your mother tongue. Such books must be so simple that you can understand without outside help.

                    When you approach your textbooks you have to seek the help of your teachers, seniors, friends, and guides if you find any difficulty in understanding ideas.

                                                      You may pass through unfamiliar words and terms while studying. The use of a dictionary can help you to a great extent. Some terms related to your subject may be unclear even after using a dictionary. On such occasions seek the help of your teachers. Reference books on that subject will help you a lot.

                      The ability to write good English cannot be acquired if you are reluctant to write in English. If you have understood a particular portion of your subject, write it down to the next moment. Now some apps namely GRAMMARLY might help you to a great extent in writing good English. It provides instructions to correct grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes, and even improper punctuations. 

                            If you are a student of English Literature, you must read THE  BIBLE(Old Testament). It will improve your written language. It will provide a charm to your language.

                                        Have you ever noticed the language used in advertisements? It has brevity. Apt words are used in apt places to create an advertisement. Simple and elegant words are used here.

                                                                  Translation can be used as a good method to improve vocabulary. For it,  we have to translate from English and to English. Articles from any language can be used for this purpose. Only one condition, we must have mastery over that language. A good dictionary in that language will help you a lot. A dictionary from the English language to your desired language too is a must. (To be continued)





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