The conventional translation method is not a suitable method for studying English. So acquiring the ability to write something in English, I used this method in a novel way. Using this method I could by heart easily what I had desired to study for my examinations. How can you practice this method? It is not the conventional method of translation from one language to the other.
Here we take the article as a whole. Then write the meaning of each and every word in that sentence.
Then translate the entire sentence into your mother tongue. Read and reread that matter many times. Next, translate the sentence into English again. While doing so do not look at the first sentence in English. So you can make sentences of your own and you are able to keep them in mind for a long time. You can simply reproduce it.
Since this is only an example and we used here only a simple sentence there are no major changes that come through this process. Use this method with difficult and different sentences. You can see better results.
By using this method I could write my own language. I could avoid studying by heart. It takes less time in comparison with other methods, namely reading repeatedly several times and writing impositions.